This Wednesday at Grace

William J. Federer – a nationally-known speaker, best-selling author, and a brilliant American historian – will be speaking at Grace Woodlands! Bring family and friends with you – see you on Wednesday, March 5th @ 6:45pm!
William J. Federer is a brilliant researcher and teacher of American and world history, and he’s become a powerful voice to combat secular attempts to lure people away from the truth of Scripture and God’s plan for humanity.
You will love his extraordinary ability to teach what must happen for our nation to come back to God and once again rely on Him for our provision, protection, and salvation.

If you are looking for a church that prioritizes the presence of God, believes in the power of prayer, unashamedly preaches the Word of God, and boldly stands for Biblical values in our culture… Grace Is For You!

Experience Grace

Sunday at 9am & 11am
Sunday at 2pm (Español)
Wednesday at 6:45pm

Recent Sermon

Turn The World Upside Down | Jason Nelson



9AM & 11AM

2PM (Español)



Prayer meeting @ 6:45pm


Check out what’s coming up at Grace!

Prayer Meeting

Every Wednesday at 6:45pm


We’d love to hear how God has answered your prayers!

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