The main mission of the music ministry at Grace is to lead our church in worshiping Jesus. The Grace Choir is a foundational part of that. Psalm 95:1 says, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” Every Sunday, we are given the incredible opportunity to bring the hope of Jesus as we focus our worship upon Him.

If you enjoy singing, we would love for you to be part of the Grace Choir! Not only will you grow vocally and musically, but you’ll make wonderful friends along the way. A special bond is created when we walk with the Lord in unity, using our gifts and talents for His glory.

We hope you will consider joining the Grace Choir! To find out more details, click the button below.

I hope to sing with you soon,

Shari May
Grace Choir Director

“Being a part of this choir has helped me stay spiritually connected through hope. It’s a family that lifts each other up through intercessory prayer and worshipping to the Lord. I’m truly blessed to be apart of Grace Choir.”


“Grace Choir has really impacted my personal walk with God. I have gained friendships with the most incredible people and being on this side of the room and able to take in our entire church praise and worship the Lord each week….its so beautiful and truly priceless.”


“Being part of the choir has really impacted me on how I view worship and my relationship with God. The choir has given me an opportunity to grow in worship, make long lasting relationships, and share the love of Jesus.”


“Being part of the choir really impacted my walk with God, specifically in relation to worship. The songs are great and I love music, but deeper than that is the experience of unity that we have as a choir when we come together and prepare a song offering for the Lord. The practice time spent at home has also blessed me, as it makes me be more intentional about worshipping consistently in my everyday life. I love spending time with each song and really getting to think about the lyrics and the scriptures behind them, dwelling on the attributes of God and why He is worthy of our praise.”
