How thrilling it is for Becky and me to see God moving here at Grace Woodlands in such a powerful way. It is what we envisioned when Grace Woodlands began and what we have prayed for throughout the years. The many hundreds of new people have caused us to make adjustments to make room for everyone and to provide ministry for spiritual growth and development. We have reached the end of being able to stretch our current auditorium as we are at the maximum capacity of seats and expanded space. And God continues to bring many people our way. We are building new parking as fast as we can, and it seems to fill up as fast as we build it. What started as God adding people to Grace is now beginning to look like multiplication. What an exciting time. This is truly a “God” season… a kairos time.

CORNERSTONE 2023 is our next step. With this large step of faith we will build the cornerstone building on our church campus. This new worship center will accommodate 3,200 people… more than four times the amount of our present seating. This next step of preparing for what God will do is to get ready for multiplication. That is what I heard the Lord speak into my spirit at the end of last summer. Imagine what it will be like when thousands of voices fill this new worship center with praise to our God. Imagine the sound of thousands of people praying together where the cry of our intercession reaches the heavens. Imagine each person uniquely impacted by the preaching of the Word and by the presence and power of God. Imagine the impact of a multiplied congregation sharing their personal stories of God’s transforming power in their everyday world.

This is a “kairos” time for Grace. It is a Divine interruption of what we have known as God moves powerfully by His Spirit. How we respond in preparing for the next chapter of the story He is writing over Grace is very important.

Becky and I ask you to join us in seeking the Lord for what your part will be in providing the resources for this place of worship and Divine encounter. We only ask that you approach this with a lot of prayer and a willing heart. This worship center will be built by those who are willing to bring a sacrifice to the Lord. Sacrifice is when we give up something we want or desire for something we desire more. It is about priorities and values. This brochure will give you information on how you can participate in this special time. For this worship center to be built, it will take all of us together hearing from the Lord and responding in as generous a way as we can. As we do, there will not be equal giving throughout the church, but there will be equal sacrifice. Just as it wouldn’t be possible for everyone to give an equal amount, it would also not be right to expect a few to give everything. This is an “all in” time… all of us hearing from the Lord and willingly offering to the Lord a sacrifice of our resources because this project is not for any man… but for the Lord.

That is what Becky and I are doing and what we ask you to do with us.

Please pray much about what the Lord would have you do.

Please allow the Lord to speak to you about an amount that stretches you and causes you to trust Him at a higher level.

Please respond with your most generous commitment.

That is what we are doing… and what we ask you to do with us. Let’s step into the next chapter of this amazing story that God is writing over Grace… TOGETHER!


A New Worship Center

CORNERSTONE 2023 is our capital campaign to raise the funds to build a large worship center on our church campus to accommodate all the Lord is bringing our way in this incredible season of the presence of God among us. The worship center is our corporate living room for our church family. Here, we gather together in the presence of the Lord, the Word is taught, relationships begin, and prayer is a priority. This facility will also accommodate very large community events, conferences, concerts, and more.


Download this brochure to get access to the most important information about Cornerstone 2023


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“The Grace Woodlands Cornerstone initiative will be a gamechanger for the community. At a time when every cultural institution in society has been corrupted and hijacked with nefarious intentions, Grace Woodlands is providing a safe haven and resource for families who want to restore Christian values in entertainment and services in a fractured community.” - Ahmard Vital

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“This season of Cornerstone, to us, means we are offered the opportunity to pray and sow into the future of our children, grandchildren and generations to come. We may never have this opportunity again, it’s a gift.” - Ken and Belinda Davis

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“As leaders of the Grace Greeter Team we have had an up-close view of the steady growth in attendance. God is at work, and it is time to make more room for multiplication. We are excited to be part of the God-sized Cornerstone vision.” - Joe and Cathie Locetta
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“We love it here at Grace for several reasons.
One, we feel that God is moving through this body and the leadership in ways that are meaningful to not only our family but also to those outside the church walls. And two, the Cornerstone vision with its many buildings and outreaches is the place where individually and together we can be seed-scatterers and world-changers for the Kingdom.” - Wayne and Brenda White

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“We’ve been a part of Grace Woodlands since we moved to the area in 2014. It’s offered us a great community of friends for us and our children. The leadership has a heart for God and community. We’ve seen the church grow so much over the years and are very excited for the future. We fully
support the Cornerstone project and we are all-in as a family!” - Blake and Jenna Jakovich

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“We believe God spoke to us to support the Cornerstone vision. We also believe in the vision because each time over the years Pastor Steve has spoken about a vision like this one, it has always been a success!” - Jason and Shakeena Walker

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“Our family would literally not be here without Grace! The two of us met here, got married, and are now raising our little ones as part of the Grace family. The Cornerstone campaign is something that resonates strongly with our family, and we are excited to support it as we continue to give faithfully! We have loved seeing the growth throughout the years and can’t wait to see what’s next!” - Yorman and Rebecca Tavera
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“The Grace Cornerstone vision is amazing! The plan encompasses real-life expressions of who we are as practicing Christians. With our full support, we look forward with joy and expectation to witness God’s blessings on this project and this faith community.” - Sam and Teresa Granberry



It is not based on any kind of pressure,
but on the sacrificial commitment of those who are willing.

The construction cost of our new worship center building will be at least ten million dollars and probably a bit more. It is difficult in today’s environment to pinpoint an exact cost. We do have the experience to construct this facility in a way that will be more affordable than the typical construction process. Every sacrificial gift given through Cornerstone helps make this very needed facility a step closer to reality. This is the largest faith step we have ever taken as the Grace family. All of us sacrificing equally is the most important thing.


SACRIFICE = giving up something you want or desire for something you want more




This is generally a process over time.

Believe God to produce some amazing stories through your commitment and giving.




  • Give online at
  • Check/Cash (at the doors upon dismissal of each service and in the offering boxes by the front doors
  • Drop off at the church office
    (24400 I-45 N | Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm)
  • Mail to Grace Woodlands
    330 Rayford Rd. #395 | Spring, TX 77386
Stocks, bonds, & appreciated ASSET GIVING
Potential tax benefit of giving assets

Donate investment-based items such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or defined legacy gifting from other asset-based plans. This kind of donation of assets can have a significant tax advantage. For more details, please contact your financial advisor, or Pastor Kevin Hayes –
713-558-8041 (office)
832-563-9794 (cell)
[email protected]