Deep Dive Into God’s Word – Sunday Morning Class

Join us for our Deep Dive Into God’s Word with Dr. Sam Thomas each Sunday morning in the Student Center!

Sundays @ 9:15AM w/ Q&A at 10:15AM | Student Center | Introduction to Basic Christian Teachings with Dr. Sam Thomas 

Introduction to Basic Christian Teachings Class - With Dr. Sam Thomas

Introduction to Basic Christian Teachings is an attempt to study the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. This study seeks to systematically study and understand what we believe as Christians about the Bible, God, Trinity, Sin, Salvation, and so on. Our primary textbook is the Bible. We will explore the Bible in depth to understand our Christian faith. 
Introduction to Basic Christian Teachings  

1. Doctrine of the Bible
2. Doctrine of God
3. Doctrine of Jesus Christ
4. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
5. Doctrine of Trinity
6. Doctrine of Man
7. Doctrine of Sin
8. Doctrine of Salvation
9. Doctrine of Church
10. Doctrine of Angels and Demons
11. Doctrine of End Times