Faith Votes/We The People Community Impact Team
Vote Biblical Values & Get Involved To Restore America
Call to Action!
Can you imagine the impact if every voting-eligible Christian voted Biblical values in every election and every race on the ballot? If you are wondering what you can do between elections to restore America, one community at a time, following are a few suggestions:
✓ Pray
Nothing is more powerful than spending time on our knees asking God to bless and revive this nation.
✓ Check if your voter registration is valid
Register by following the guidelines on
✓ Attend Faith Votes Meetings
Click Team for dates and times of upcoming events.
✓ Join the Faith Votes / We The People Facebook group
CLICK HERE to join the group and stay up to date!
✓ Contact your Precinct Chair and volunteer to help activate your neighbors.
To find your voting precinct and chairperson, look at your Voter Registration card “Prec. No.” Next, visit your political party website-e.g.,
Harris County: harriscountygop.
Montgomery County:
✓ Become a Heritage Action Sentinel
Keep up with current events in D.C. and hold congressmen accountable at
✓ Run for political office
If you are sensing a nudging from God to proceed, visit A good place to start is Precinct Chair or School Board Member.
✓ Volunteer
Volunteer to help a political candidate or become an election worker.
Harris County:
Montgomery County:
✓ Stay Informed about events and issues in Texas
Check out and
✓ Voice your opinion and keep elected officials accountable
U.S. Senate website:
U.S. House website:
To contact elected officials at all levels:
✓ Check out 2 Busy 2 Vote
Set Yourself Free to Vote Biblical Values written by Cathie and Joe Locetta: For additional tips, resources, historical perspective, and views about the risks of not voting biblical values, visit
✓ Stop blindly trusting mainstream media
Do not simply rely on mainstream or legacy media – ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, NEWSMAX, TELEMUNDO, UNIVISION, etc. exclusively. To find the TRUTH, seek news and information from a variety of sources including digital reporters. Do your own research to fact check and critically evaluate constantly. Check out these alternatives in alphabetic order:,,,,,,,,,, (Hispanic Conservative News)
What an awesome privilege we have to live in this great nation. A novel idea in our beginning; that a people could govern themselves. While no nation or governing system is perfect, that founding idea has produced what we enjoy today.
Freedom and the will of the people might be a bit messy, but it is a rich legacy to us and a legacy that calls us to steward it very well on our watch, and then pass it on to the next generation. That is why it is so important that we elect those to represent us who value the “American” way, and who believe we should be a nation “under” the hand of God. That is why your vote is so important.
The percent of those who claim the Christian faith and do not vote is appalling. Make sure you are registered to vote and then make sure you are informed on the issues, candidates and ways you can get involved in this grand experiment called freedom that has exceeded all expectations.
2025 – Important Election Dates Texas
May 3rd Local Elections
- April 3: Last day to register to vote
- April 22: Absentee (Mail-in) ballot request deadline
- April 22 to April 29: Early voting
November 4th General Election
- October 6: Last day to register to vote
- October 31: Absentee (Mail-in) ballot request deadline
- October 20 to October 31: Early voting
For additional information on voter registration and elections, visit:
Texas Secretary of State –
Harris County –
Montgomery County –
Voter Registration Information
If you have any questions or wish to volunteer, please contact:
Joe Locetta
[email protected]
Lucy Reyes (Español)
[email protected]