PrimeTime Seniors

The Grace Woodlands Seniors’ Ministry is one of the most thriving ministries at Grace!

    • Large gatherings throughout the year… dinners, seminars, speakers, and outreach.
    • Numerous small groups that reach seniors for Christ and also serve others. These groups meet in homes, the church, and some via Zoom.
    • Many opportunities to build lasting relationships through common interests and needs.

For example, PrimeTime groups and classes include practical seminars such as…

    • How to avoid a scam
    • Gardening 101
    • How to deal with depression
    • Living as a senior in an online world
    • Handyman tips
    • Estate planning

Plus, there is Boomers Group that meets the 4th Sunday of each month at the church for food, fellowship, study, and prayer.

PrimeTime also sponsors annual trips to Israel each October that include seeing important Biblical sites, studying the word with Bible experts, and much more.


Coming Soon to Primetime…


Grace Outpost

Every Other Month – Saturdays at 10am (Grace Church)

Grace Outpost serves and promotes a Christ-centered veteran and first responder community with resources and meaningful opportunities for spiritual growth and restoration.  We meet every other month for breakfast, fellowship and encouragement from powerful, inspiring speakers.  For more info contact Stu Johnson at [email protected].

Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study

Fridays @ 8:30am (Denny’s – 6111 FM 1488, Magnolia TX 77354)

Join men from different churches in the area and experience friendly fellowship while enjoying a delicious breakfast and studying the Word with leader Ken Nix. The atmosphere encourages open discussion of ideas and questions. For more information, contact Ken Nix at [email protected].


PrimeTime Connect Group (formerly Boomers & Beyond)

4th Sundays @ 6pm (Student Center)

Join other Christian friends 50 yrs+ as we grow closer to God, affirm His call on our lives and enjoy life together!  For more info please email Stu or Debbe Johnson. [email protected] or [email protected] 

Faith Votes Community Impact Team

2nd and 4th Saturday @ 10am (Student Center)

Led by Joe & Cathie Locetta. For more information,
visit or contact Joe at [email protected] or Cathie at [email protected].


Helps Ministry

The Helps Ministry is designed to help Grace church members who are either 50+ in age or single moms with tasks around the house that are difficult or dangerous to perform.  These are tasks such as replacing ceiling light bulbs, replacing smoke detector batteries and minor repairs for those who don’t have resources to hire help or relatives to perform the task required.  If the Helps Ministry Team determines that the request will be a major repair, the requestor will be directed to call and expert in that area.  If you need help with tasks such as these please call Eldon Sharp at 713-558-8050.


Pastoral Care Team

The Pastoral Care Team assists the Grace Woodlands staff by providing support to church members 50+ years in age who are experiencing life events such as hospitalizations, serious illness, injury, hospice care or death.  If a church member needs assistance with any of these please call Eldon Sharp at 713-558-8050.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Pastor Stu Johnson at [email protected] or call the church office at (832) 381-2306