Friday, October 18th
Dinner 5:30pm - 6:15pm | Conference 6:45pm - 9:30pm
The Family Conference at Grace is FREE and designed to strengthen and develop spiritually healthy families and individuals. Our passion is to assist families in learning Biblical principles and practical applications, in order to help their family grow in faith and equip future generations to follow Jesus.
This conference will help develop Christian families and empower them through the Word of God, so they may achieve the purposes of God. True Biblical hope and the empowering promises of God are the building blocks that enable lasting change in our families.
We are creating a legacy and celebrating the family in the body of Christ! Meet families of all ages as you share similar experiences or hear a new perspective. Engage in meaningful and fun conversations and share a meal with other families as you connect at the family dinner and create a strong community of like-minded Christian families.
Kids and PreTeens, birth – 6th grade, will have a great time in Grace Kids with games, inflatables and our attractions; playscape (1st-6th grade), carousel & train (4yr-K). They will have impactful times of spiritual development on how to articulate their faith and to effectively explain why they believe what they believe.
Students, 7th – 12th grade, will attend Anthem Youth. As Christians, we have an unshakable hope because of the gospel. We want our students to understand:
· What is the gospel?
· What is evangelism?
· What is my testimony?
And why they should be sharing Jesus as faithful ambassadors, no matter the cost. This will be a time to connect in small groups, powerful services, worship, games, and fellowship.
Young Adults, (ages 18-30) will have a special breakout session to connect with each other and explore Scripture, offering practical and spiritual guidance to help bridge the gap between everyday life and the divine.
Begin praying and asking God what unchurched or unsaved person and/or family you should invite to experience this conference with you.
In addition to the conference on Friday evening, we are asking families to make this weekend a selah moment, a family sabbath weekend. A time where you are intentional about setting aside everything else in life and dedicating this one weekend to your family development. How can you do this?
- By attending the conference on Friday night.
- By taking Saturday to spend as a family.
- By bringing your family to church on Sunday.
- By taking Sunday night for a family dinner, devotional, game time, and/or movie night and to seal your weekend with anointing your family and through prayer.
We want to help make this a great family weekend, so we will be passing out a Grace Family Bag at the end of the conference to each family. It will contain game ideas, devotionals, craft ideas and projects, ways to spend time together as a family, table talk questions for meal times, and other ways to continue, or begin learning, how to connect as a family and continue to grow together spiritually. There will also be door prizes throughout the conference with resources and fun family items!
Now more than ever, families need Biblical truth as the foundation of their homes. Join with us at the Family Conference in raising up spiritually healthy families!
Family Dinner will be from 5:30 – 6:15pm. We will be serving Chicken Alfredo, mac-n-cheese, chips, dessert, and a drink.
Grace Market will be open during the conference to purchase resources, t-shirts, kids items, Bibles, and more!
Conference Schedule
6:45pm - 7:25pm
Breakout Sessions Set 1
Beauty in The Brokenness: How God Restores Our Heart | Leo & Rena Beadle | Student Center
Discover how God brings healing and wholeness through life’s challenges as we explore how His love and grace transform our brokenness into something beautiful.
Grace for The Pace: Navigating Busy Lives God's Way | Josh Pierce | Cafe
Learn how to navigate the demands of a busy life with God’s wisdom, finding peace and balance through His grace in every season.
The Power of Leaving a Spiritual Inheritance | Dr. Sam Thomas | Impact
Explore the lasting impact of leaving a spiritual inheritance, and discover how to pass down faith, values, and a legacy of godliness to future generations.
Building Family Identity and Raising Kingdom Minded Children | Evelyn Offenberger | The Wave
Learn how to build a strong family identity rooted in faith while raising children who are kingdom-minded, equipped to live out God’s purpose in their lives.
Family Finances | Luis & Delia Sanjuan | Classroom 1
Money management is a key to a happy family. If you’ve ever felt like you just can’t get in control of your money, you’re not alone. You’d be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it’s time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join us to learn to pay off debt fast, save more money, and build lasting wealth.
How to Draw Near to God (Young Adults 18-30) | Johny & Ingrid Hernandez | Classroom 2
Discover practical ways to deepen your relationship with God as a young adult, learning how to draw near to Him and experience His presence in your daily life.
Fomentando una Cultura de Disciplina en tus Hijos | Lydia Manzewitsch | Classroom 3
Aprende como fomentar una cultura de disciplina en tus hijos, guiándolos con amor y principios bíblicos para ayudarlos a crecer con carácter y responsabilidad.
Lessons I Learned as a Single Parent | Rachel Santiago | Classroom 4
Gain insights and encouragement from the valuable lessons learned on the journey of single parenting, and discover how faith and resilience can guide you through the challenges.
Comprendiendo los Riesgos de las Redes Sociales y los Patrones Oscuros | Solimar Gutierrez | Classroom 5
Entiende los riesgos que presentan las redes sociales y los patrones oscuros que pueden influir negativamente en la vida de tus hijos, y aprende cómo protegerlos y guiarlos con discernimiento y sabiduría.
7:35pm - 8:15pm
Breakout Sessions Set 2
Forming a Culture of Biblical Discipline in Your Kids | Leo & Rena Beadle | Student Center
Discover how to cultivate a culture of biblical discipline in your children, using godly principles to shape their character, obedience, and spiritual growth.
Helping our Teens Transition into Adulthood | Leticia Velasquez | Cafe
Explore effective strategies for guiding your teens through the transition into adulthood, equipping them with the skills and values they need to navigate life’s challenges confidently.
The Power of Leaving a Spiritual Inheritance | Dr. Sam Thomas | Impact
Explore the lasting impact of leaving a spiritual inheritance, and discover how to pass down faith, values, and a legacy of godliness to future generations.
Why is a Christian Worldview Important | Jason & Tiffany Nelson | The Wave
Examine the significance of a Christian worldview in shaping our understanding of truth, morality, and purpose, and discover how it influences our daily decisions and interactions in a complex world.
Passing on Your Faith to The Next Generation | Ben & Evelyn Offenberger | Classroom 1
Learn effective ways to pass on your faith to the next generation, instilling in them a strong foundation of belief and values that will guide them throughout their lives.
Understanding Social Media Risks and Dark Patterns | Christian & Meagan Tapia | Classroom 2
Gain insight into the risks associated with social media and the dark patterns that can manipulate users, empowering yourself to navigate these platforms with awareness and discernment.
Construyendo la Identidad Familiar con Niños de Mentalidad del Reino | Brenda Castro | Classroom 3
Descubre cómo construir una identidad familiar sólida mientras crías a niños con mentalidad del Reino, equipándolos para vivir de acuerdo con los propósitos de Dios en sus vidas.
4 Truths in a Culture of Lies | Jared & Celina Payne | Classroom 4
Explore four essential truths that stand firm in a culture filled with lies, equipping yourself to navigate challenges with clarity and conviction based on God’s Word.
Finanzas Para Matrimonios | Hector & Lucy Reyes | Classroom 5
Aprende principios financieros clave para matrimonios, promoviendo una comunicación abierta y estrategias prácticas que fortalezcan la unidad y la estabilidad económica en tu relación.
8:20pm - 9:00pm
Main Auditorium
General Session
with Steve Riggle