Friday, October 20th

Dinner 5:30pm - 6:30pm | Conference 6:45pm - 10pm

The Grace Family Conference is FREE and designed to strengthen and develop spiritually healthy families and individuals. Our passion is to assist families in learning Biblical principles and practical applications, in order to help their family grow in faith and equip future generations to follow Jesus. 

This conference will help develop Christian families and empower them through the Word of God, so they may achieve the purposes of God. True Biblical hope and the empowering promises of God are the building blocks that enable lasting change in our families.

We are creating a legacy and celebrating the family in the body of Christ!  Meet families of all ages as you share similar experiences or hear a new perspective. Engage in meaningful and fun conversations and share a meal with other families as you connect at the family dinner and create a strong community of like-minded Christian families.

Kids and PreTeens, birth – 6th grade, will have a great time in Grace Kids!  Inflatables, games, and impactful times of spiritual development as they are equipped and taught how to pray and know that their identity is in Christ.

Students, 7th – 12th grade, will attend Anthem Youth.  They will discover the enemies common lies for teens and how to conquer them.  This will be a time to connect in small groups, powerful services, worship, games, and fellowship.

Young Adults, ages 18 – 30, will have a dedicated breakout time to connect and learning to lead this day by making the most of “right now”.

Begin praying and asking God what unchurched or unsaved person and/or family you should invite to experience this conference with you.

In addition to the conference on Friday evening, we are asking families to make this weekend a selah moment, a family sabbath weekend.  A time where you are intentional about setting aside everything else in life and dedicating this one weekend to your family development. How can you do this?

  • By attending the conference on Friday night.
  • By taking Saturday to spend as a family.
  • By bringing your family to church on Sunday.
  • By taking Sunday night for a family dinner, devotional, game time, and/or movie night and to seal your weekend with anointing your family and through prayer.

We want to help make this a great family weekend, so we will be passing out a Grace Family Bag at the end of the conference to each family.  It will contain game ideas, devotionals, craft ideas and projects, ways to spend time together as a family, table talk questions for meal times, and other ways to continue, or begin learning, how to connect as a family and continue to grow together spiritually .  There will also be door prizes throughout the conference with resources and fun family items!

Now more than ever, families need Biblical truth as the foundation of their homes.  Join with us at the Grace Family Conference in raising up spiritually healthy families!

Family Dinner will be from 5:30 – 6:30pm.  We will be serving Chicken Alfredo, mac-n-cheese, chips, dessert, and a drink.

Grace Market will be open during the conference to purchase resources, t-shirts, kids items, Bibles, and more!

Conference Schedule


5:30pm - 6:30pm


Registration / Dinner / Family Games / Grace Market


7:00pm - 7:35pm

Breakout Sessions Set 1

Disciple Your Children Through Biblical Discipline | Pastor John Manzewitsch | Cafe

Embrace the study of the Scriptures and discover time-honored methods that will equip you to instill faith, morals, and strong character in the next generation.

Train the Brain | Pastor Jason Nelson | Impact

How do we overcome the tsunami of technology crashing upon our children’s minds. Join Pastor Jason as he explores what it means to train up children in the way they should go.

Family Finances | Luis & Delia Sanjuan | The Wave

Money management is a key to a happy family. If you’ve ever felt like you just can’t get in control of your money, you’re not alone. You’d be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it’s time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join us to learn to pay off debt fast, save more money, and build lasting wealth.

The Anxious Heart: Surrendering Your Worries To Jesus | Evelin DeLaRosa | Happy Trails

We do not have to feel hopeless in our desire for peace, for God’s Word covers every anxious heart.  God’s love, the hope of the gospel, and the presence of God provides lasting peace in the battle against anxiety.

7 Essential Steps to Start or Reset your Homeschool Journey | Alma Harder | Happy Hollow

Learn how to start strong or keep your momentum if you already homeschool. In this session, you will learn to make a plan that works for YOUR family’s needs.

Leverage the Day and Lead the Way: Making the Most of ‘Right Now’ (Young Adults session) | Pastor Josh Pierce | Classroom 1

In a session specifically for young adults (18-25), we will discuss how to make the most of the early years of adulthood in areas of life that matter the most. If you can learn to leverage this critical time in your life for the future, you will be well-positioned and prepared to lead successfully in your family, career, and calling for years to come.

Trusting God In Prayer For Your Prodigal | Pastor Marta Wisnoski | Classroom 2

There is nothing God’s love can’t conquer. Do you believe that? What do you do and how do you pray if your once perfect, or maybe not so perfect, child is far from the Lord? There is one sure thing that changes it all. This one thing will take the lies the enemy whispers and turn the gut wrenching pain into a testimony of hope. It will cause prayer and intercession to flow from the abundance of love God has flowing out of you.

Las Ventajas de Aprender a Servir en Familia | Raquel Lugo | Classroom 3

Cuando una familia reconoce la presencia de Dios y le sirve con amor, El mismo es quien se encarga de bendecir toda su familia y sus generaciones más de lo que jamás pudo imaginar.


7:35pm - 7:45pm

Break / Transition to Next Session


7:45pm - 8:20pm

Breakout Sessions Set 2

Depositando mi Confianza en Dios en Cuanto a mis Hijos | Pastora Lydia Manzewitsch | Cafe

Confiarle a Dios nuestros hijos significa creer en su plan divino y en su guía para sus vidas, incluso cuando el camino parece incierto. Al poner a nuestros hijos en sus manos amorosas, encontramos la tranquilidad de saber que están protegidos por un poder superior al nuestro.

Train the Brain | Pastor Jason Nelson | Impact

How do we overcome the tsunami of technology crashing upon our children’s minds. Join Pastor Jason as he explores what it means to train up children in the way they should go.

Family Finances | Luis & Delia Sanjuan | The Wave

Money management is a key to a happy family. If you’ve ever felt like you just can’t get in control of your money, you’re not alone. You’d be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it’s time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join us to learn to pay off debt fast, save more money, and build lasting wealth.

Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages and Becoming Stepfamily Smart | Ben & Evelyn Offenberger | Happy Trails

Blended families face unique challenges and all the normal rules for family life changes, but with the right strategies and smart work, your family can be stronger and healthier together.

Grandparents: The Power of Legacy | Jim & Renee Trevathan | Happy Hollow

Grandparents play a unique and profoundly influential role in the lives of their grandchildren.  God is calling you to pass on a legacy of faith to your grandchildren by impacting their heart for the Lord.

The Minimalist Mindset: Finding Joy in Simplicity | Pastor Brooke Pierce | Classroom 1

Looking for a simpler and less distracted life but are not sure where to begin? Join Brooke Pierce as she shares about her three-year journey towards minimalism and how it has helped bring contentment and peace in her home, family, and ministry life.

Trusting God In Prayer For Your Prodigal | Pastor Marta Wisnoski | Classroom 2

There is nothing God’s love can’t conquer. Do you believe that? What do you do and how do you pray if your once perfect, or maybe not so perfect, child is far from the Lord? There is one sure thing that changes it all. This one thing will take the lies the enemy whispers and turn the gut wrenching pain into a testimony of hope. It will cause prayer and intercession to flow from the abundance of love God has flowing out of you.

Between Grief and Glory | Laura Blanchet | Classroom 3

How do we live with the tension of grief and hope? Learn how God is faithful to redeem even the most devastating of circumstances and begin to recognize God’s providential care during times of hardship and suffering.


8:20pm - 8:30pm

Break / Transition to Next Session


8:30pm - 8:40pm

Main Auditorium

Welcome / War Room


8:40pm - 9:00pm

Main Auditorium

Family Panel Discussion

with Stu and Debbe Johnson, Steve and Becky Riggle, Ben and Evelyn Offenberger, John and Lydia Manzewitsch and Rachel Santiago


9:00pm - 9:10pm

Main Auditorium

Prayer Primer

with Steve Riggle


9:10pm - 9:45pm

Main Auditorium

Family Prayer Time


9:45pm - 10:00pm

Main Auditorium

Door Prizes / Dismissal / Grace Market