The Churches of The New Testament with Dr. Sam Thomas

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (Lunch Included)
Registration is Free but Requested.
For Questions or more Information contact Susie Wolf, Event Coordinator at (713) 478-1618

The seminar on CHURCHES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT is an attempt to understand three churches of the New Testament - the Church of Antioch, the Church of Thessalonica, and the Church of Philippi. By examining Acts and some of Paul’s letters, we are trying to understand a cross-section of churches during the first thirty years of Church History. Through this, we can draw implications for what it means for us to be church today.


Event Series Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

This class is required for any child Kindergarten through 6th grade that is interested in being baptized.  Our goal is for children to understand why they are being baptized and the biblical basis involved in that decision.  This class will assist us in determining if a child is ready and understands their decision to be Baptized.  After we have reviewed the questionnaire and spoken with the child regarding their answers, we will make a decision if the child is ready or needs additional time before being baptized.  A member of our staff or Hero Squad will speak with the parents regarding their child/preteen's readiness to be baptized.

Esta clase es obligatoria para todo estudiante de Kínder a sexto grado que esté interesado a ser bautizado. Nuestro objetivo es que comprendan por qué están siendo bautizados y la base bíblica involucrada en la decisión. Esta clase nos ayudará a determinar si el niño está listo y comprende su decisión de bautizarse. Después de haber revisado el cuestionario y sus respuestas, tomaremos una decisión  para saber si el niño está listo o necesita más tiempo antes de ser bautizado. Un miembro de nuestro personal de Grace Kids hablará con los padres sobre la preparación de su hijo / preadolescente. 

Event Series Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

This class is required for any child Kindergarten through 6th grade that is interested in being baptized.  Our goal is for children to understand why they are being baptized and the biblical basis involved in that decision.  This class will assist us in determining if a child is ready and understands their decision to be Baptized.  After we have reviewed the questionnaire and spoken with the child regarding their answers, we will make a decision if the child is ready or needs additional time before being baptized.  A member of our staff or Hero Squad will speak with the parents regarding their child/preteen's readiness to be baptized.

Esta clase es obligatoria para todo estudiante de Kínder a sexto grado que esté interesado a ser bautizado. Nuestro objetivo es que comprendan por qué están siendo bautizados y la base bíblica involucrada en la decisión. Esta clase nos ayudará a determinar si el niño está listo y comprende su decisión de bautizarse. Después de haber revisado el cuestionario y sus respuestas, tomaremos una decisión  para saber si el niño está listo o necesita más tiempo antes de ser bautizado. Un miembro de nuestro personal de Grace Kids hablará con los padres sobre la preparación de su hijo / preadolescente. 


Leading the Bleeding with Dr. Jeffrey Seif

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Registration is Free but Requested.
For questions or more information, contact Susie Wolf, Event Coordinator at (713) 478-1618.

In Leading the Bleeding, Dr. Jeffrey Seif--a pastor, a professionally-training pastoral theologian, one who is also a police officer and police supervisor (with a graduate degree in Applied Criminology and Police Management from Cambridge University, England)--will draw upon his decades of experience as a pastor, as a seminary professor and as a police officer and unpack how we can more effectively engage people in crisis. Ministers will walk away from the three sessions with unique "street" perspectives and, hopefully, be better able to deliver life-giving, biblical medicine for life's assorted hurts..

Event Series Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

This class is required for any child Kindergarten through 6th grade that is interested in being baptized.  Our goal is for children to understand why they are being baptized and the biblical basis involved in that decision.  This class will assist us in determining if a child is ready and understands their decision to be Baptized.  After we have reviewed the questionnaire and spoken with the child regarding their answers, we will make a decision if the child is ready or needs additional time before being baptized.  A member of our staff or Hero Squad will speak with the parents regarding their child/preteen's readiness to be baptized.

Esta clase es obligatoria para todo estudiante de Kínder a sexto grado que esté interesado a ser bautizado. Nuestro objetivo es que comprendan por qué están siendo bautizados y la base bíblica involucrada en la decisión. Esta clase nos ayudará a determinar si el niño está listo y comprende su decisión de bautizarse. Después de haber revisado el cuestionario y sus respuestas, tomaremos una decisión  para saber si el niño está listo o necesita más tiempo antes de ser bautizado. Un miembro de nuestro personal de Grace Kids hablará con los padres sobre la preparación de su hijo / preadolescente. 

Event Series Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Baptism Class – Grace Kids & Pre-Teen

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

This class is required for any child Kindergarten through 6th grade that is interested in being baptized.  Our goal is for children to understand why they are being baptized and the biblical basis involved in that decision.  This class will assist us in determining if a child is ready and understands their decision to be Baptized.  After we have reviewed the questionnaire and spoken with the child regarding their answers, we will make a decision if the child is ready or needs additional time before being baptized.  A member of our staff or Hero Squad will speak with the parents regarding their child/preteen's readiness to be baptized.

Esta clase es obligatoria para todo estudiante de Kínder a sexto grado que esté interesado a ser bautizado. Nuestro objetivo es que comprendan por qué están siendo bautizados y la base bíblica involucrada en la decisión. Esta clase nos ayudará a determinar si el niño está listo y comprende su decisión de bautizarse. Después de haber revisado el cuestionario y sus respuestas, tomaremos una decisión  para saber si el niño está listo o necesita más tiempo antes de ser bautizado. Un miembro de nuestro personal de Grace Kids hablará con los padres sobre la preparación de su hijo / preadolescente. 


Event Series Cornerstone Family Gatherings

Cornerstone Family Gatherings

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Join us for one of our Cornerstone Family Gatherings at Grace!

We are hosting three family gatherings to further present this very needed Cornerstone project. We are asking everyone who is a part of Grace to register and attend at least one.

  • Wednesday, March 1st at 7pm
  • Sunday, March 5th at 6pm
  • Friday, March 10th at 7pm

Come early for light refreshments - doors open 45 minutes prior to start time.  Childcare is available for Birth - 6th Grade.

We are excited to see you at one of our Cornerstone Family Gatherings!   

CORNERSTONE IS A CAPITAL CAMPAIGN TO RAISE FUNDS TO BUILD OUR NEW WORSHIP CENTER. It is not based on any kind of pressure, but on the sacrificial commitment of those who are willing. The construction cost of our new worship center building will be at least ten million dollars and probably a bit more. It is difficult in today’s environment to pinpoint an exact cost. We do have the experience to construct this facility in a way that will be more affordable than the typical construction process. Every sacrificial gift given through Cornerstone helps make this very needed facility a step closer to reality. This is the largest faith step we have ever taken as the Grace family. All of us sacrificing equally is the most important thing.


How thrilling it is for Becky and me to see God moving here at Grace Woodlands in such a powerful way. It is what we envisioned when Grace Woodlands began and what we have prayed for throughout the years. The many hundreds of new people have caused us to make adjustments to make room for everyone and to provide ministry for spiritual growth and development. We have reached the end of being able to stretch our current auditorium as we are at the maximum capacity of seats and expanded space. And God continues to bring many people our way. We are building new parking as fast as we can, and it seems to fill up as fast as we build it. What was God adding people to Grace is now beginning to look like multiplication. What an exciting time. This is truly a “God” season…. a kairos time.

CORNERSTONE 2023 is our next step. With this large step of faith we will build the cornerstone building on our church campus. This new worship center will accommodate 3,200 people… more than four times the amount of our present seating. This next step of preparing for what God will do is to get ready for multiplication. That is what I heard the Lord speak into my spirit at the end of last summer. Imagine what it will be like when thousands of voices fill this new worship center with praise to our God. Imagine the sound of thousands of people praying together where the cry of our intercession reaches the Heavens. Imagine each person uniquely impacted by the preaching of the Word and by the presence and power of God. Imagine the impact of a multiplied congregation sharing their personal stories of God’s transforming power in their everyday world.

This is a “kairos” time for Grace. It is a Divine interruption of what we have known as God moves powerfully by His Spirit. How we respond in preparing for the next chapter of the story He is writing over Grace is very important.

Becky and I ask you to join us in seeking the Lord for what your part will be in providing the resources for this place of worship and Divine encounter. We only ask that you approach this with a lot of prayer and a willing heart. This worship center will be built by those who are willing to bring a sacrifice to the Lord. Sacrifice is when we give up something we want or desire for something we desire more. It is about priorities and values. This brochure will give you information for how you can participate in this special time. For this worship center to be built, it will take all of us together hearing from the Lord and responding in as generous a way as we can. As we do, there will not be equal giving throughout the church, but there will be equal sacrifice. Just as it wouldn’t be possible for everyone to give an equal amount, it would also not be right to expect a few to give everything. This is an “all in” time… all of us hearing from the Lord and willingly offering to the Lord a sacrifice of our resources because this project is not for any man… but for the Lord.

That is what Becky and I are doing and what we ask you to do with us.Please make sure and attend one of the special Family Gatherings.

Please pray much about what Lord would have you do.

Please allow the Lord to speak to you about an amount that stretches you and causes you to trust Him at a higher level.

Please respond with your most generous commitment.

That is what we are doing… and what we ask you to do with us. Let’s step into the next chapter of this amazing story that God is writing over Grace… TOGETHER!

- Steve and Becky Riggle


Applying the Blood of Jesus to your Life and Ministry

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Registration is Free but Requested.
For questions or more information, contact Susie Wolf, Event Coordinator at (713) 478-1618.

Applying the Blood of Jesus to your Life and Ministry
Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 10:30AM - 2PM at Grace Woodlands
(Lunch Included)

Releasing the Power and Life of Jesus in your life and ministry. As we approach the season that we commemorate the Resurrection of our Lord, let's learn more about the Blood of Christ and all it provides for us.

Ps. Juan Carlos and his wife, Fabiana are Grace International Ministers to Latin America and Europe. There are over 250 churches under his leadership throughout Latin America and beyond. He operates Bible Schools and Orphanages in Argentina and Mexico. We are thankful for the opportunities to have Ps. Juan Carlos minister here at Grace Woodlands.

Event Series Cornerstone Family Gatherings

Cornerstone Family Gatherings

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Join us for one of our Cornerstone Family Gatherings at Grace!

We are hosting three family gatherings to further present this very needed Cornerstone project. We are asking everyone who is a part of Grace to register and attend at least one.

  • Wednesday, March 1st at 7pm
  • Sunday, March 5th at 6pm
  • Friday, March 10th at 7pm

Come early for light refreshments - doors open 45 minutes prior to start time.  Childcare is available for Birth - 6th Grade.

We are excited to see you at one of our Cornerstone Family Gatherings!   

CORNERSTONE IS A CAPITAL CAMPAIGN TO RAISE FUNDS TO BUILD OUR NEW WORSHIP CENTER. It is not based on any kind of pressure, but on the sacrificial commitment of those who are willing. The construction cost of our new worship center building will be at least ten million dollars and probably a bit more. It is difficult in today’s environment to pinpoint an exact cost. We do have the experience to construct this facility in a way that will be more affordable than the typical construction process. Every sacrificial gift given through Cornerstone helps make this very needed facility a step closer to reality. This is the largest faith step we have ever taken as the Grace family. All of us sacrificing equally is the most important thing.


How thrilling it is for Becky and me to see God moving here at Grace Woodlands in such a powerful way. It is what we envisioned when Grace Woodlands began and what we have prayed for throughout the years. The many hundreds of new people have caused us to make adjustments to make room for everyone and to provide ministry for spiritual growth and development. We have reached the end of being able to stretch our current auditorium as we are at the maximum capacity of seats and expanded space. And God continues to bring many people our way. We are building new parking as fast as we can, and it seems to fill up as fast as we build it. What was God adding people to Grace is now beginning to look like multiplication. What an exciting time. This is truly a “God” season…. a kairos time.

CORNERSTONE 2023 is our next step. With this large step of faith we will build the cornerstone building on our church campus. This new worship center will accommodate 3,200 people… more than four times the amount of our present seating. This next step of preparing for what God will do is to get ready for multiplication. That is what I heard the Lord speak into my spirit at the end of last summer. Imagine what it will be like when thousands of voices fill this new worship center with praise to our God. Imagine the sound of thousands of people praying together where the cry of our intercession reaches the Heavens. Imagine each person uniquely impacted by the preaching of the Word and by the presence and power of God. Imagine the impact of a multiplied congregation sharing their personal stories of God’s transforming power in their everyday world.

This is a “kairos” time for Grace. It is a Divine interruption of what we have known as God moves powerfully by His Spirit. How we respond in preparing for the next chapter of the story He is writing over Grace is very important.

Becky and I ask you to join us in seeking the Lord for what your part will be in providing the resources for this place of worship and Divine encounter. We only ask that you approach this with a lot of prayer and a willing heart. This worship center will be built by those who are willing to bring a sacrifice to the Lord. Sacrifice is when we give up something we want or desire for something we desire more. It is about priorities and values. This brochure will give you information for how you can participate in this special time. For this worship center to be built, it will take all of us together hearing from the Lord and responding in as generous a way as we can. As we do, there will not be equal giving throughout the church, but there will be equal sacrifice. Just as it wouldn’t be possible for everyone to give an equal amount, it would also not be right to expect a few to give everything. This is an “all in” time… all of us hearing from the Lord and willingly offering to the Lord a sacrifice of our resources because this project is not for any man… but for the Lord.

That is what Becky and I are doing and what we ask you to do with us.Please make sure and attend one of the special Family Gatherings.

Please pray much about what Lord would have you do.

Please allow the Lord to speak to you about an amount that stretches you and causes you to trust Him at a higher level.

Please respond with your most generous commitment.

That is what we are doing… and what we ask you to do with us. Let’s step into the next chapter of this amazing story that God is writing over Grace… TOGETHER!

- Steve and Becky Riggle

Event Series Cornerstone Family Gatherings

Cornerstone Family Gatherings

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Join us for one of our Cornerstone Family Gatherings at Grace!

We are hosting three family gatherings to further present this very needed Cornerstone project. We are asking everyone who is a part of Grace to register and attend at least one.

  • Wednesday, March 1st at 7pm
  • Sunday, March 5th at 6pm
  • Friday, March 10th at 7pm

Come early for light refreshments - doors open 45 minutes prior to start time.  Childcare is available for Birth - 6th Grade.

We are excited to see you at one of our Cornerstone Family Gatherings!   

CORNERSTONE IS A CAPITAL CAMPAIGN TO RAISE FUNDS TO BUILD OUR NEW WORSHIP CENTER. It is not based on any kind of pressure, but on the sacrificial commitment of those who are willing. The construction cost of our new worship center building will be at least ten million dollars and probably a bit more. It is difficult in today’s environment to pinpoint an exact cost. We do have the experience to construct this facility in a way that will be more affordable than the typical construction process. Every sacrificial gift given through Cornerstone helps make this very needed facility a step closer to reality. This is the largest faith step we have ever taken as the Grace family. All of us sacrificing equally is the most important thing.


How thrilling it is for Becky and me to see God moving here at Grace Woodlands in such a powerful way. It is what we envisioned when Grace Woodlands began and what we have prayed for throughout the years. The many hundreds of new people have caused us to make adjustments to make room for everyone and to provide ministry for spiritual growth and development. We have reached the end of being able to stretch our current auditorium as we are at the maximum capacity of seats and expanded space. And God continues to bring many people our way. We are building new parking as fast as we can, and it seems to fill up as fast as we build it. What was God adding people to Grace is now beginning to look like multiplication. What an exciting time. This is truly a “God” season…. a kairos time.

CORNERSTONE 2023 is our next step. With this large step of faith we will build the cornerstone building on our church campus. This new worship center will accommodate 3,200 people… more than four times the amount of our present seating. This next step of preparing for what God will do is to get ready for multiplication. That is what I heard the Lord speak into my spirit at the end of last summer. Imagine what it will be like when thousands of voices fill this new worship center with praise to our God. Imagine the sound of thousands of people praying together where the cry of our intercession reaches the Heavens. Imagine each person uniquely impacted by the preaching of the Word and by the presence and power of God. Imagine the impact of a multiplied congregation sharing their personal stories of God’s transforming power in their everyday world.

This is a “kairos” time for Grace. It is a Divine interruption of what we have known as God moves powerfully by His Spirit. How we respond in preparing for the next chapter of the story He is writing over Grace is very important.

Becky and I ask you to join us in seeking the Lord for what your part will be in providing the resources for this place of worship and Divine encounter. We only ask that you approach this with a lot of prayer and a willing heart. This worship center will be built by those who are willing to bring a sacrifice to the Lord. Sacrifice is when we give up something we want or desire for something we desire more. It is about priorities and values. This brochure will give you information for how you can participate in this special time. For this worship center to be built, it will take all of us together hearing from the Lord and responding in as generous a way as we can. As we do, there will not be equal giving throughout the church, but there will be equal sacrifice. Just as it wouldn’t be possible for everyone to give an equal amount, it would also not be right to expect a few to give everything. This is an “all in” time… all of us hearing from the Lord and willingly offering to the Lord a sacrifice of our resources because this project is not for any man… but for the Lord.

That is what Becky and I are doing and what we ask you to do with us.Please make sure and attend one of the special Family Gatherings.

Please pray much about what Lord would have you do.

Please allow the Lord to speak to you about an amount that stretches you and causes you to trust Him at a higher level.

Please respond with your most generous commitment.

That is what we are doing… and what we ask you to do with us. Let’s step into the next chapter of this amazing story that God is writing over Grace… TOGETHER!

- Steve and Becky Riggle
