Commonalities of Sustainable Revival with Dr. Doug Stringer

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Commonalities of Sustainable Revival

Thursday, May 18, 2023 from 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Student Center (Lunch Included)

Registration is FREE but requested.

What are key factors that sustain a Move of God? Through this Seminar we'll explore commonalities in Revivals past to gain perspective on ways God is moving today. We're seeking an ongoing Habitation of God's presence. What sustains a Revival and likewise, what can hinder it? We all desire to be those yielded vessels that He can flow through. Join for this informative and interactive time in the Lord's presence.

Dr. Doug Stringer is the Founder and President of Somebody Cares America/International. Somebody Cares mobilizes the Body of Christ to transform communities through prayer initiatives, compassion outreach, disaster relief, and leadership development. Dr. Stringer is an author and international speaker.


The Uniqueness of Jesus – Part 1 with Dr. Sam Thomas

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

The Uniqueness of Jesus - Part 1

Thursday, June 22, 2023
10AM - 2PM (Lunch Included)

Registration is FREE but requested.

We live in a religiously plural world. The nations are coming to the U.S. We meet people from different faiths every day in our schools, workplaces and everywhere else. This is an important opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many believe that all paths lead to God. However, Scripture is clear that only One Way leads to Life. The Gospel talks about the Uniqueness of Jesus. Through these 2 Seminars, you will be further equipped in your evangelistic efforts with people of all faiths.


Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation – Part 1 with Dennis Petersen

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation – Part 1

Thursday, July 27, 2023
10AM - 2PM (Lunch Included)

Registration is FREE but requested.

A seminar to discover the awesome truth of our Creator’s Genesis Record
Through this Seminar we will discuss the Mysteries of the Early Earth; Actual Evidence of When It All Began; Fundamental Fallacies of Evolutionism. We will be further equipped to address the foundational truth of the Biblical account of Creation.


Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation – Part 2 with Dennis Petersen

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation – Part 2

Thursday, August 17, 2023
10AM - 2PM (Lunch Included)

Registration is FREE but requested.

A seminar to discover the awesome truth of our Creator’s Genesis Record. In this Seminar we'll further examine actual evidence of when it all began; further expose the fallacies of evolution and expose the truth about dinosaurs. Now that will be fun and great points to bring home to the kiddos of all ages!


Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation – Part 3 with Dennis Petersen

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation – Part 3

Thursday, September 28, 2023
10AM - 2PM (Lunch Included)

Registration is FREE but requested.

A seminar to discover the awesome truth of our Creator’s Genesis Record. We'll discover the mysteries of Original Man; the Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations and the Mysteries of Ancient Advanced Technology. How amazing is our God, The Creator!


The Life & Teachings of Paul with Dr. Sam Thomas

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Join us on Thursday, March 21st, from 10:30am-2pm in the Worship Center for a free lunch and for the second portion of our two part series... "The Life & Teachings of Paul" presented by Dr. Sam Thomas. Attendance for part one is not required to attend part two.

Apostle Paul is one of the greatest of Christians of all times. He definitely is the most influential of all Christians. He is the author of almost half of the books of the New Testament. Millions of people have read his writings over the centuries. Hundreds, even thousands, of commentaries have been written on his life and writings. Hundreds of thousands of sermons have been preached based on his letters. Several PhD dissertations are written on Paul every year. His pre-Christian life was very antagonistic to Christ; his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus and subsequent conversion was miraculous; his life as a Christian was selfless, productive and strategic. 

Hope to see you on March 21st from 10:30am-2:00pm in the Worship Center for part two of "The Life & Teachings of Paul." Bring a friend! Hope to see you there!


The Five Books of Moses with Dr. Sam Thomas

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Join us on Thursday, June 20th, from 10:30am-2pm in the Worship Center for a free lunch and "The Five Books of Moses," presented by Dr. Sam Thomas.

The first five books of the Bible - written by Moses - are called Torah by the Jews, Pentateuch by Bible scholars, and as the Law by New Testament writers. These five books - Genesis to Deuteronomy - form the foundation of the rest of the Bible and were foundational to Jewish identity, Jewish morals, Jewish values, and Jewish religion and worship. The events of these books are constantly remembered and are echoed in the rest of the Old Testament and New Testament. The sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross cannot be understood without an understanding of the sacrifices, Tabernacle, and priesthood described in these books.

Join Dr. Sam as he unpacks how these books are key to understanding Christ and His salvation and the theology of the New Testament.

We hope to see you on June 20th, from 10:30am-2:00pm in the Worship Center. Bring a friend! 


A History of Israel: Ancient and Modern with Dr. Jeffrey Seif

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Join us on Thursday, September 19th, from 10:30am-2pm in the Worship Center for a free lunch and for "A History of Israel: Ancient and Modern" presented by Dr. Jeffrey Seif.

During this seminar, Dr. Jeffrey Seif will take us to and through the Old Testament, Inter-Testamental and New Testament periods, noting Israel's rise, developments, and its demise. He'll then quickly take participants from the New Testament era to the present and pay close attention to Israel's emergence as a nation-state in modernity. This mini-course is a one-stop-shop for anyone interested in learning about Israel: past, present--and even future.

We hope to see you on September 19th, from 10:30am-2:00pm in the Worship Center for "A History of Israel: Ancient and Modern." Bring a friend!


History of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Join us on Thursday, November 21s, from 10:30am-2pm in the Worship Center for a free lunch and "History of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements", presented by Dr. Sam Thomas.

The Pentecostal and Charismatic movements have changed the face of Christianity in the 20th century. These explosive movements have caused the Christian world to witness the renewal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that resembled the early church. Today the Pentecostals and Charismatics form the second largest family of Christians – the only bigger group is the Roman Catholics. This seminar will focus on some of the highlights of the history of this movement.
Join Dr. Sam as he teaches us the importance of biblical exegesis for Bible study and preaching and teaching.           

We hope to see you on November 21st, from 10:30am-2:00pm in the Worship Center. Bring a friend and don't forget your Bible and notebook! 


New Testament Survey with Dr. Jeffrey Seif

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Dr Jeffrey Seif, a Bible college and seminary professor for 35 years, will take Bible students to and through the entire New Testament. In three, 45-minutes sessions, attendees will get penetrating insights into the creation and content of the Gospels, the Pauline literature, and the remaining New Testament documents written by others. Being of Jewish extract himself, and being keen on looking at the Good News through the eyes of the Jews, those like him interested in Jewish perspectives will be particularly delighted by Prof. Seif's presentation.

Jeffrey Seif graduated from the seminary at Southern Methodist University (Dallas) with a master's degree and doctorate. He also graduate with a master's degree from Cambridge University (Cambridge, England) and is currently a part-time PhD student there. Jeff is a GI minister, a congregational leader and professor. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. He and his with Dr Barri Cae Seif superintend a GI mission in Israel, called Sar Shalom-Israel.

We hope to see you on Thursday, January 9th, from 9:30am - 12:30pm in the Worship Center. Make sure to come early to enjoy some refreshments and coffee. Bring a friend and don't forget your Bible and notebook!

Please note that there is no childcare provided and children 12 and older are invited to attend with their parent.


Introduction to Christian Doctrines Part 2 with Dr. Sam Thomas

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

This seminar is Part 2 of the systematical study of foundational Christian beliefs in order to understand our faith. We will be examining four primary doctrines: Doctrine of God, Doctrine of Jesus Christ, Doctrine of Holy Spirit, and Doctrine of Trinity. We will be talking about the characteristics of God, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, and more. Come and be blessed!

Bring a friend and don't forget your Bible and notebook!

Childcare is provided, but you must register using the following link:

Please pick up your children promptly at 9pm!

Sam Thomas is one of the teaching pastors at Grace Woodlands. He holds a B. Sc. (Bachelor of Science) degree in Chemistry from University of Pune, India. He also has obtained theological degrees in India: B. D. (Bachelor of Divinity) and M.Th (Master of Theology) from the Senate of Serampore College (University). His PhD is from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. 

Sam has taught at New Theological College - a premier theological institution in North India - from 2009 to 2015. He has also served as an Assistant Pastor at two churches in India.

Sam and his wife Sheeba have been blessed with two boys: Stephen and Timothy.



The Life & Ministry of Jesus with Dr. Sam Thomas

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

Dr. Sam will present a study focusing on the unparalleled nature of Jesus Christ, His divinity, humanity, and the impact of His life and teachings on history and theology.

Bring a friend and don't forget your Bible and notebook!

Childcare is provided, but you must register using the following link:

Please pick up your children promptly at 9pm!

Sam Thomas is one of the teaching pastors at Grace Woodlands. He holds a B. Sc. (Bachelor of Science) degree in Chemistry from University of Pune, India. He also has obtained theological degrees in India: B. D. (Bachelor of Divinity) and M.Th (Master of Theology) from the Senate of Serampore College (University). His PhD is from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. 

Sam has taught at New Theological College - a premier theological institution in North India - from 2009 to 2015. He has also served as an Assistant Pastor at two churches in India.

Sam and his wife Sheeba have been blessed with two boys: Stephen and Timothy.
