Special Guest: Seth Gruber

Grace Woodlands 24400 Interstate 45, The Woodlands, TX, United States

What if every modern evil—abortion, transgender ideology, transhumanism—wasn’t just political, but theological? What if the entire culture war was nothing more than a battle between truth and ancient heresies reborn? The Life or Death Tour is a wake-up call to the Church: the fight for life, identity, and morality is fundamentally a spiritual war. From the days of the early Church, Gnostic dualism sought to separate body and soul, denying the sacred nature of the imago Dei. That same deception is at work today, fueling the greatest cultural evils of our time. When the image of God goes woke, chaos always follows. It’s time for the Church to take back her prophetic mantle and speak truth into the culture with unwavering boldness.

Seth Gruber is a leading voice in the battle for life and cultural engagement, known for his fearless and unfiltered approach to addressing the lies of the age. Through powerful biblical teaching, historical insight, and prophetic urgency, the Life or Death Tour will equip believers to recognize the spiritual war beneath the surface and stand against the modern manifestations of false religion. America’s moral crisis is not new—it is the latest resurgence of ancient deception. This is not a political war. This is a battle for the soul of the nation.

HB 194 Sound of Hope Act Rally

Travel with us to Austin on Tuesday, February 25th to gather for a prayer rally and to meet with our state representatives and senators about the HB 194 Sound Of Hope Act. We The People are reclaiming our God-given role in caring for the orphaned!  

*There are a limited amount of seats on buses traveling from Grace Woodlands that day - reserve your spot today!

The HB 194 Sound of Hope Act is a bill that will restore God’s design for orphan care by ensuring that family placements are the first priority—not government institutions, not strangers who don’t share our values, but loving, faith-filled families who can raise these children in homes where the name of Jesus is spoken and honored.

The HB 194 Sound of Hope Act will bridge the gap where resources are lacking, reducing recidivism and giving these children a true chance to break free from the chains of their past. 

This bill will also limit government overreach, ensuring that churches and faith-based families are not only allowed but empowered to care for orphaned and displaced children. 

It will preserve our place in child welfare, no matter what happens at the federal level. We must not allow the government to dictate who is worthy of raising children. Children belong with God’s people. They belong in homes where truth is spoken, where faith is lived, and where love is more than a word—it is a way of life. 

That is why we are calling on YOU to join us in Austin on February 25th. We will gather at the Capitol at 9 AM, ready to meet with our state representatives and senators. We will be divided into teams, ensuring that every lawmaker hears our voices. We the people are reclaiming our God-given role in caring for the orphaned! 

We must act now to secure our place in child welfare at the state level, so that no matter who is in power in D.C., our right to care for God’s children remains protected. 

You can do four things today: 

1. VISIT https://soundofhopeact.com/ and sign the form. This will show lawmakers that there is a movement of believers standing behind this bill. 

2. ACT. If you can be in Austin, come. Be part of this army that God is assembling.

3. PRAY If you can’t be there in person, commit to praying for those who will be.

4. READ the HB 194 Sound of Hope Act

Church, this is our time. This is our calling. The world may try to silence us, but we serve a God who goes before us, who fights for the fatherless, and who anoints His people to be the solution. 

Please stand with us. Join us in the fight for His children. The time is now. Let’s answer the call. 

Through love, we heal. Through faith, we fight. And through God, we win. 

Thank you, and God bless you all.

Rebecca Smith
Founder ~ Love Heals Youth

General Information

  1. This is happening rain or shine.
  2. We will be sending out text updates regarding the rally.  To subscribe, text soundofhopeact to 855-965-1143. 
  3. Watch the weather and dress accordingly, but respectfully, as we will be in the Texas State Capitol and visiting legislators.  We want to represent our cause, our Lord, and ourselves well.
  4. Bring money for food and anything else you may need/want.
  5. Free T-shirts are on a limited basis and funded by the Love Heals Youth non-profit.  If you can, a $20 donation to help off-set the cost is appreciated but not required. 
  6. Please wear a light-colored blue shirt, if possible, just in case you do not get a t-shirt.
  7. We will be sending out parking options if you are driving your own vehicle.

Bus Information

  1. Arrive at 5:45am at Grace Woodlands back parking lot. Be sure to eat breakfast before you come or bring it with you on the bus.
  2. The bus will leave from Grace Woodlands at 6:00am and depart Austin at 3:00pm.
  3. The bus will arrive back at Grace Woodlands between 7:00 - 8:00pm.
  4. We will stop at Buc-ees on the way back to Grace Woodlands. Please bring money if you would like to buy dinner or snacks.
  5. You must be at least 7yrs old to ride the bus. All children on the bus must be with an adult, always monitored, and seated at all times.  Children will need to be respectful of others riding the bus. No screaming, loud toys/noises, and no running around the bus.  Parents will be expected to oversee their child and their behavior at all times.
  6. There is a restroom on the bus.